

WGMATCH Open House

klo 18 - klo 21

Hietsun Paviljonki, Hiekkarannantie 9,00100 Helsini



WGMATCH Open House

You are warmly welcome WGMATCH Open House -event to discuss our consulting option for management teams or team members (CxO-level) and financing options for Start Up companies. 

     - Our consults are available in the event to discuss privately with you, but we have limited discussions max 30min per company 

    - You can pre-book a slot by sending a SMS for our sales number +358400 59 1267 and our assistant will confirm the booking or propose a new time slot 

klo 18 - klo 21

Hietsun Paviljonki, Hiekkarannantie 9,00100 Helsini